Paul R. Danyluk, BSc., MSc., Mechanical Engineering, ASME, SAE, ASTM – Senior Consulting Engineer Associate
BS and ME in Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D. (candidate). Technical consultant for 2 cycle, 4, cycle, diesel, dual fuel and spark-gas engines. VP- Engineering, Fairbanks Morse Engine Division, Coltec Industries: Developer of O.P. blower-less dual fuel and spark engine. Inventor of Enviro-Design O.P. PC2 and MAN low emission engines. Manager –Engine Design, Cooper-Bessemer Reciprocating Products: Design of QUAD engine. Developer of Clean-Burn GMVH, V275, W330, Z330 and LSVB engines. Also headed field-service engineering and R & D.
Member ASME; SAE; ASTM; ASNE; SNAME. Past Chairman and current Treasurer of ASME, Internal Combustion Division. U.S.A. Permanent Committee Member of CIMAC. Published numerous Technical Papers for ASME, Institute of Mechanical Engineers, and CIMAC on diesel engine development.